Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution Group Program

Learn the correct actions to take so you can enjoy life again after any type of significant loss.

Grief is not a choice! It affects us physically and emotionally. Failure to resolve grief can diminish our ability to engage in all facets of life. 

Grief is a normal and natural human reaction to loss. Regrettably, there is inadequate information available on how to effectively manage the intense and conflicting emotions triggered by life’s events.

There are more than 60 events that can create a range of human emotions called grief. 

Among these, the most prominent are death, divorce, estrangement, moving, job changes, trust issues, financial changes, PTSD and health problems. 

Whether the loss occurred recently or in the distant past, it could still be hindering your capacity to engage fully in life and relationships.

The Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution Program has been proven effective at helping grievers with their feelings of grief. It helps participants to let go of their anger, guilt and fear whilst learning how to cherish their precious memories.

My team and I can teach you the tools to eliminate painful conflicting emotions and find peace in resolving your unresolved grief.

We are grievers ourselves and Certified Edu-Therapy™ Grief Specialists.


The Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution Group Program

During the program, my team and I offer a secure space where you can examine your previous beliefs regarding coping with loss, identify the losses that have impacted your life, and take steps that will help you address any lingering emotions that may be causing you distress.

My aim is to equip you with the necessary tools to overcome painful and conflicting emotions and find solace by resolving your unresolved grief.

The program includes learning:

  • The Emotional Concepts of Grief
  • Why Grief Remains Unresolved
  • The Physical and Mental Effects of Unresolved Grief
  • The Concepts and Correct Tools of Grief Resolution

Don’t delay!

Regardless of when or how you experienced loss, the Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution program is designed to help you process any unresolved emotions and rediscover a sense of fulfilment in life. If you feel like you’re just getting by instead of truly living, then this program is exactly what you need.

How It Works

  • 16 hours program over an 8 week period

  • Each session lasts approximately 2 hour via Zoom

  • Up to 12 participants in a group session with clear safety guidelines of engagement.

  • Breakout rooms with your small group.

  • You’ll receive a hardcopy workbook as part of the program.


    • Acknowledge and process emotions: This approach helps you to quickly identify and acknowledge your emotions, even those that may be buried deep within.
    • Concrete steps to healing: The program provides specific, easy-to-follow steps to reduce emotional intensity and promote healing.
    • Challenge negative thought patterns: Grief can often lead to self-blame or a sense of hopelessness. We show you how to reframe negative thoughts and develop healthier perspectives.   
    • Develop healthy coping strategies: You learn practical healthy techniques to manage 
    • Feel empowered and resilient: Be equipped with the ability to independently navigate your healing journey, develop resilience and the ability to cope with future challenges or losses   
    • Find meaning and purpose:  find new meaning in your life, even after loss.

Your Healing Starts Here

Through a combination of cognitive behavioral techniques and emotional processing, this program will empowers you to heal and move forward. It’s a valuable tool for anyone experiencing grief, whether it’s due to the loss of a loved one, a job, or a significant life change.

The Next Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution Group starts

Monday 17th February – Monday 7th April

(8 weeks)

8PM – 10PM GMT

Pay in 2 Installments

  • First come first serve (up to 12 spaces available)

One to One Support

If you would like one-to-one support with Detola or one of our Grief Specialists,  please scroll down for more information.

Organisations seeking support for their staff:

We offer customised rates for companies interested in providing their employees with grief support. Contact us at to receive an invoice based on number of staff. Thank you

Some Group Sessions Testimonials

Some clients have decided to use their initials to protect their identity.

Testimonial 1- KK

Before doing Grief Resolution Program, I thought I was just coping with my grief by avoiding and suppressing my unpleasant emotions but knew I had unfinished business with grief which always erupted unexpectedly and showed up as unexplained negative emotions like rage.

I knew I needed to sit with my grief and feel all the emotions so I could start to live in the present again, and I needed a safe space to do this. This is what brought me to this program.

This program gave me the safe space and the tools I needed so badly to confront my grief. The questions/tools guided my thoughts to the right answers and brought up the things that mattered for consideration without any unnecessary frills.

I now feel much lighter emotionally, I feel heard and understood and it really helped to know that my grief was not peculiar to me regardless of the source of the grief. I found a safe community and a new lease of emotional freedom.

Thank you

Testimonial 2- Miss J

Doing the Grief Resolution Program has been life-changing for me. I have been in a marriage that has caused me great grief due to infidelity, yet my husband kept saying he could not deal with me talking about how hurt I was, which effectively left me with a mountain of unexpressed emotions.

Doing these sessions was fantastic because it allowed me to voice all the hurt and pain but within the context of a marriage where I had also experienced some really good times; I was now able to talk about both.

It also helped me to stay balanced and to see the relationship in its true light. This was so freeing and I cannot express enough how Grief Coach, Detola Amure, helped me to feel comfortable to express all I needed to.

At the end of the last session, I knew it was truly the end of who I felt I was (voiceless) to be the woman I am meant to be, speaking the truth fearlessly. Thank you Coach Detola Amure!

Testimonial 3- Lady K

I lost my daughter, Damilola on February 21st, 2024. Someone saw the post about her passing on Instagram and tagged Detola who in turn reached out to me. I attended the free webinar organised by the team and it got me interested in the 8-week journey with them.
Before the programme I felt empty,lost, miserable, and unmotivated to continue my business. I was a little anxious during the first session but at the end of it, I was more relaxed and knew I was in a safe space with people who understood what I was going through. I am grateful to have gone through this therapy. I looked forward to each session and now I am happier, more peaceful and able to cope better with other losses and challenges. The team was awesome and accessible. This programme is highly recommended and I am happy to refer others.
Thank you and keep up the good job.

Testimonial 4- NG

Before joining the program I felt lost, heavy grief and empty. I really needed help. My sister’s friend referred me to Detola. I was happy to hear what she had to say in my free review and felt she and her team would be able to help me a lot. I’ve learnt how to channel my grief and have a stronger heart. I don’t feel empty any longer. I felt better after each session. I have gained confidence and contentment since completing the program and would recommend the service to anyone suffering from bereavement.

Testimonial 5- Y.B

I had some deeply buried and seemingly forgotten issues and hurts. Each time they popped up in my mind I pushed them down because it was too painful to deal with them. 

I joined the Grief Resolution Programme because I discovered it was time to deal with these issues. The truth is my subconscious has been influencing and feeding my actions, putting a lot of strain on my life, emotions and relationships. I have become this grumpy lady on autopilot.
The programme helped me to finally lay open all the issues and hurts. I understood how to be complete with them. If at any time they pop up again or a similar situation did, I know how to navigate my feelings while keeping my peace and joy.
An absolutely brilliant programme. Yes, it got really painful at some point but the healing at the end is remarkable!

Testimonial 6- T.M

I joined the  Grief Resolution Group program because I had unresolved grief about the loss of a parent from decades ago. I quickly learnt about the various types of grief there are beyond death.

It was really great learning tools not only to help me work through the topic I had wanted to resolve but also other grief baggage I was carrying.

I really liked the fact that a safe, respectful and non-judgemental atmosphere was created which allowed one to open up.

I learnt a lot, especially how to work through my feelings rather than bottling them.

I would recommend the program without reservation.

Testimonial 7- J.A

Prior to doing the Grief Programme, I was in a state of constant sadness as I lost my Dad a few months before the Programme. I felt stuck and was still in a state of shock. I had so many unanswered questions about my Dad’s death and this caused me to be in physical and emotional pain daily. I didn’t understand Grief and was struggling to deal with it. I had a real fear of forgetting about my Dad and I didn’t want that to happen.

I experienced a lot of things when I did the Programme. I was in a group with lovely people and week after week we developed trust and were vulnerable with each other.

I was able to truly look inward, reflect on the past, and face my fears around forgetting about my Dad now that he’s no more. I was able to truly let go of the pain from his death and replace it with beautiful memories.

The program helped me to have a balanced view of my Grief and gave me the right tools to deal with Grief. Week 6 was when things started coming together I could finally see a glimpse of light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I could raise my head again and talk about my Dad without crying throughout.

I chose to let go of every pain and hurt associated with my Dad’s death and I replaced them with lovely memories.

Since completing the programme, I’ve been living more in the moment and even though I think about my Dad numerous times during the day, I’m no longer in pain.

You can get One-on-One help!

The Grief Resolution program is also offered as one-to-one sessions with our experienced grief specialists.

If you would like to explore this option, please schedule a consultation session below.

Some 1-on-1 Sessions Testimonials

Some clients have used their initials to protect their identity

Testimonial 1- K.A

Before going through the Grief program, I was experiencing a lot of mixed emotions about my work transition. I was struggling with the positive and negative experiences and couldn’t make sense of it.

I knew I needed to take some kind of action as I transitioned to the exciting adventure ahead of me.

Working with Detola came to mind and I felt it was a good fit (once I inquired about it) especially because it was structured within a specific time and I could point to the areas I have addressed.

Working with Detola was a great experience. She was professional and compassionate throughout the experience.

Since completion of the program, I have noticed I am more aware of anything that could be a loss or lead to any kind of grief for me and others around me. I feel equipped with the tools for me to complete other incomplete losses in my life or any in the future.

Testimonial 2- Joanne M

I had four recurrent miscarriages in 2013/2014 and even though I’d had a couple of NHS counselling sessions at the time the thoughts were still going round and round in my head today.

I was also angry that family and society had forgotten about my babies and I didn’t know who to talk to and how to process my feelings.

I’ve now completed the program and it has been nothing short of amazing. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I went through the steps to complete my grief. I even talked about other areas of my life/relationships that were unresolved and I got to complete those too.

I now have the steps to carry on with the tools I learned on my own with confidence.

I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone with unresolved grief and I graciously thank Detola from the bottom of my heart for listening and helping me. I now feel heard and complete.

Testimonial 3- Ogugua A

I enrolled on the Grief program to see what it would be like to go through therapy. I have had quite a few losses in my life and thought why not? I had no idea how life-changing it would be.

Detola gently guided me to areas of my life I had always been afraid to explore. The areas where real loss had taken place.

It was both terrifying and liberating but Detola held my hand through it all.

She was always patient and very kind. I felt safe. Our sessions created a space where I could be “naked” and not ashamed. Our sessions are over now and I do feel lighter.

I am carrying less emotional baggage which is great! I have reached a place of acceptance and I am so ready to forward. I would highly highly recommend working with Detola.

Testimonial 4- Josephine P

I didn’t necessarily think I was “grieving” though I knew I was in a complicated state of mind that needed some type of help. In the past, I found counselling to not necessarily address my deepest struggles or be helpful long run. I knew I needed to do ‘some work’ to progress effectively in life.

There were many takeaways and aha moments during the program. I got to spend quality time alone to think through my pain and confront difficult feelings.

Some of my habits were put in proper perspective. Hidden hurts around my dad’s death that I was not even thinking about resurfaced.

Overall, I feel a strong sense of peace knowing that I have confronted major aspects of my pain and that I have been intentional and have put in the HARD WORK and investment in my healing process. Detola was VERY patient and non-judgmental.

I felt AT HOME sharing my deepest pain. When the journey became hard & I wanted to bail, she stood LOVING but firm to ensure I finished.

This set me on a great foundation as my healing progresses.

Testimonial 5- Nathalie M

I lost my Dad last year and a friend of mine referred me to Detola as he thought that her experience would be beneficial to me. I was not aware that such a program existed. It was new to me and I started to do my research.

I decided that I would give it a chance as I was keen to find ways to “heal” from my lovely Dad’s loss. Our relationship was so special and inside me I knew that he would have love me do whatever it takes to live my best life.

In April 2020, I had my first session with Detola. I remember telling Detola that I was not convinced by what we intended to achieve but she was a good listener and she held my hand quietly to bring me into a safe place.

I committed myself to the process and followed through with the exercises. I realised that beyond the pain of losing someone close to your heart, grieving is a discovery of oneself.

I am now grateful for the time spent with Detola and the work that we did comforted me and will continue to do so. I will definitely recommend this program to anyone experiencing loss.

Testimonial 6- Sade

Detola helped bring me out of a haze. As someone who likes to move on from things very quickly, I had not been able to deal with all the pain from the loss of my daughter.

I was surviving each day but not really ‘living’ or thriving. Detola listened, and I felt she truly heard me.

She helped me identify my specific patterns when dealing with loss. Facing the emotions surrounding the brief but intense relationship with my daughter has been a freeing experience.

I feel better equipped to face my new normal. I feel complete.