Grief Resolution In The Workplace

We transform your corporate culture into one where employees thrives, unlocking the power of empathy to drive workplace well-being, resilience, and productivity.

Unresolved Grief Can Impact Your Employees’ Productivity.

The Cost of Grief to Your Organisation

According to Sue Ryder’s Grief in the Workplace report, employees experiencing intense grief can have a significant impact on the organisation’s productivity, with their productivity levels assumed to be at 70% in the first six months, and 95% in the second six months.

The report also highlights that around 5% of those experiencing intense grief leave their jobs after six months and do not work for the rest of the year. This can lead to an estimated cost of £23bn a year in lost Gross Value Added (GVA) and an estimated £8bn in reduced tax revenues, increased healthcare costs and income support payments to the UK Treasury.

It is important to recognise that people grieve not only death. Other life events that can invoke grief include but not limited to:

  • Divorce
  • Family Crisis
  • Financial Loss
  • Moving abroad (Expat Grief)
  • Changing jobs
  • Redundancy
  • Death of extended family, colleagues, & friends
  • Major lifestyle alterations
  • Pet loss

The work place can play a huge role in supporting employees through their grief and mitigating its consequences. However, there remain a taboo around speaking about death and grief at work. As a result, employees can often suffer in silence, with dire consequences for both the individual and their employer.  

At The Productivity Company, we understand the impact of unresolved grief in the workplace, and we are committed to helping organisations create a supportive and compassionate work environment by supporting managers and their grieving staff.

2022 Report UK Commission On Bereavement Stats

According to the UK Commission On Bereavement, 42% of bereaved people reported difficulties in getting support from work

There’s Hope

When people experience loss, they are no longer able to concentrate, are consumed by pain, and can begin to feel worse over time. The pain of loss can be unbearable and can seriously affect one’s ability to have a happy, healthy life. 

The problem is that while grief is a natural emotion following a bereavement or any other emotional loss, most of what society teaches us about it and how to deal with it is intellectual.

  • Are there staff members going through a loss and unable to concentrate at work?
  • Are you seeing an increase in the number of employees going off sick or absent from work due to a loss?

You can refer your employees to take the Grief Resolution Programme run by one of our certified Grief & Loss Specialists. We can help your staff resolve their grief and emotional conflicts in the workplace.

We can also train your managers to become more empathetic when supporting grieving staff at work.


Our Offering

  1. The Empathetic Leader Workshop: Equipping Managers to Support Grieving Employees
  2. Our Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution Programme for Grievers In The Workplace


Get Help For Your Employees Now

Take the first step towards empowering your managers to navigate the complexities of grief in the workplace, fostering a workplace culture of compassion, inclusivity, and support. OR get help for your employees to resolve their grief today with the Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution Programme. 

Get in touch to discuss your organisation’s requirements and discover how TPC can help you, your managers and your grieving staff.

 Want to take charge of your healing journey?

Are you an employee seeking to seize the reins of your healing journey? At TPC, we understand the importance of empowering employees like you to take control.

With our tailored solutions and expert guidance, you’ll navigate your path towards increased productivity and well-being. Sign up for our program today.

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The Productivity Company

Enhancing productivity in the workplace for individuals and organisations to increase their productivity at work.

Registered in England: Company No. 13857348
